Rodent Control: What to do When You Have a Mouse Problem

HomeBlogRodent Control: What to do When You Have a Mouse Problem

While some people find mice cute, finding one in your home can be unsettling. These tiny rodents can carry diseases and damage your property. When you encounter one in your home, you don’t want to put off dealing with it. Instead, you should call for rodent control right away.

Rodent Control: What to do When You Have a Mouse Problem

Here are some of the things you can do to prevent a sizeable mouse problem:

  1. Clean Up Food Areas: One of the first things you should do after finding a mouse in your house is seal up any open food and clean the kitchen. Things like crumbs and garbage can attract mice to your home, so removing them can help deter these rodents from moving in.
  2. Try Natural Deterrents: While you may want to set mouse traps around your home, some natural deterrents may work. Peppermint oil, mothballs, or ultrasonic devices may help repel mice and keep them out of your house.
  3. Close-Off Entry Points: Mice can sneak in through small openings, cracks, or gaps in your home. Rodent control can help identify these small areas and help prevent mice from returning to your house.
  4. Set Traps: If natural deterrents don’t work, you may need to set traps. Placing mouse traps strategically in areas where you’ve seen mice can help catch and reduce your problem.
  5. Seek Professional Help: If the infestation persists or you don’t want to handle it alone, seek professional rodent control services. An experienced company will have the knowledge, tools, and expertise to address your concerns and prevent mice from returning to your home.